We will meet once a month for 10 months and sit together in circle.
We will bring our intentions to be made manifest.
We will hold space for each other to create and birth our purpose and birth our soul work into this world.
Each session will be 4 hours and will include:
Shamanic practices for grounding, clearing and healing
1 x course component per month with training module notes
1 x session of a practical application of the skills being taught in the session
1 x individual session with Lizzy during the month for integration & support
You will also make your own medicine drum early in the training which you will use throughout the course.
Shamanic Doula Training offers the opportunity for women to find within themselves the skills and abilities needed to midwife transformation for others on their journeys. The purpose of this training is to support each woman in the process of creating her own unique offering. Over 10 moons you will each create, gestate, nurture and finally birth your work into the world. As a group we will hold space and “doula” each other through our fears and blockages. We will support one another to bring our unique offerings into reality and to receive financial support in exchange for the work we do.
This training will enable you to move into any number of roles supporting women around pregnancy, birth and mothering. Each of us has our unique power and magic that we bring to the work we do and my intention is to support you in understanding, articulating and valuing what you have to offer. From this training you may choose to practice as a Doula, offer courses for women during pregnancy, create preparation for birth workshops, post-partum support packages, facilitate mothers support circles, create online learning and support for pregnancy and birth, create a book, food for woman after birth, a healing practice for women preparing for pregnancy, the list is endless!
Shamanic is the key word in this training that is different from other doula courses available. I am interested in helping you understand the inner dimensions of pregnancy, birth and mothering and how you can support women to use this time in their life as the empowering transformational opportunity that is. The course will run over 10 months, the same as a pregnancy. In this time, we will meet once a month, each month will be a different module of course work with a practical component to assist you in preparing or solidifying your offering to the world. This will include how to support a woman in pregnancy and birth in order to achieve her birth outcome and as a way of integrating this learning, you will walk this path yourself, applying the course work to your own path of birthing your work into the world. It’s BIG and very exciting!
Shamanic Medicine Drum
You will have the opportunity to make your own medicine drum which you can use in your personal practice at home or in your sessions with the women you are supporting. Your medicine drum is a very powerful tool for healing, raising the vibration, releasing past trauma from the cells and can also be used successfully as pain relief during birth. You will have the opportunity to work with another woman to offer your services and practice “coming out” with your offering in a safe space, this will allow you to practice, receive feedback and be supported in the process.

You will receive a one on one check-in with me each month to support you in your process and assist you in the integration of what we are learning together. Once you complete the training, I am happy and willing to refer you Doula clients as a way of getting started if you choose to take this work into practice as a Doula. I look forward to witnessing all of the beautiful work each of you will create!
Energy Exchange
$4400 upfront - payable before start date of the course. I offer an upfront payment discount as I know it can be challenging to put forward a lump of savings all at once.
$4800 monthly = $480/month - payable prior to each monthly gathering.
I also offer exchange for anyone who wants to discuss this further - please be in touch.
To reserve your place in this year’s training you will need to make a deposit of $480 prior to our first gathering. Please message me for account info.
I look forward to welcoming you & supporting you in your becoming!
Warmest Blessings & I hope to sit in circle with you soon,
❤ Lizzy x